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Followup: we just published FRV 1.4.7 Technology Preview II:

In this update we add tunable JPEG decode mode: in older versions JPEGs was decoded 'while file opening', in this new versions two additional modes are added:

 - on prefetch: JPEGs will be decoded in background (but this mode uses lot of RAM)

 - on demand: JPEGs will be decoded on first RAW-to-JPEG switching (J key)

In both cases, switching to next file in sequental browsing mode should be about 2x faster than before.

This update also includes Technical Preview I:

In TechPreview-I we've added 'RAW on GPU processing' with slightly better demosaic quality. In preview, this mode is not enabled by default, see blog post for more details.


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team