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>As we suggested, please select the images you want to copy from a memory card to a more permanent storage and copy them in a single action.
That's exactly what I want to do but I want to use Fast Raw Viewer to select the images that I want to keep and to copy them to my hard drive renamed and organized into folders based on the dates that the photos were taken. Based on your responses, I assume that Fast Raw Viewer does not currently have that functionality.
Please forgive my stubborness and desire to get FRV to behave according to my preferred workflow. The program seems to be a great tool for culling photos and I will probably continue using it.
To clarify, what I believe you are suggesting is for me to either copy all images to a location on a hard drive or use some other means to "select" the images I want to keep and copy only those images to a location on my hard drive. Either way, that's an additional step. I would also need to manually create a folder and subfolder structure to copy them into. That's another tedious step. Finally, I could use Fast Raw Viewer.
Since Fast Raw Viewer is capable of copying files to different locations, I would assume it's capable of creating folders as well. Why not enable that functionality? There's nothing dangerous about doing that if you do it correctly and don't overwrite existing folders.

Tom Stoddard