How can I use selected photos only in Multi-window Display Mode?
I am trying to use FastRaw Viewer to select the best photo when shooting in burst mode for wildlife action shots. In Lightroom if I select a range of photos and select Compare view the two windows only cycle though the photos I selected which is ideal. In FastRaw Viewer if I select a range of photos and open multi-window dispaly mode e.g. with two windows it cycles though all the photos not those just selected. How can I get Multi-window Display Mode to only cycle though the range of images selected?
Many thanks
Fri, 12/27/2024 - 08:56
Way #1: mark selected images
Way #1: mark selected images with some rating or label, then use Sort&Filter panel to filter-out other images:
Way #2: Check the 'Show selected files' option in the Sort&Filter panel 'gear menu', and use [ ] Selected checkbox in Sort&Filter panel to limit navigation to selected files only.
Way 2 note: if you unselect some file, it will disappear from selected files subset, so from current file list display and there is no a simple one-key way to get it selected back.
Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team
Ad Astra
Fri, 12/27/2024 - 10:05
Sounds promising but it
Sounds promising but it behaves oddly for me. For example in film strip click first image, then shift click to select last image required. In Sort & Filter panel check selected files, alt-b to bring up two windows view, the last file selected is displayed, and film strip shows all selected photos. Then press left arrow to go back as on the last image and the selected list is changed to just one photo only. Not sure I understand why this happens any suggestions please?
Fri, 12/27/2024 - 11:02
If you're not using 'Advanced
If you're not using 'Advanced selection mode' (default one, ), then now you understand why this mode appeared: 'single click destroys the entire selection' in standard/common selection mode.
Way#2 (permanent markings) is likely the way to go
Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team
Ad Astra
Sun, 12/29/2024 - 14:09
Have been trying Advanced
Have been trying Advanced Selection mode, takes some getting used to but works. A related question is it possible to assign a keybaord short cut to toggle selected on and off in the sprt and filter panel? If not maybe something to consider as a future upgrade?
Mon, 12/30/2024 - 01:51
'V' key will turn on/off
'V' key will turn on/off current filtering. See details (and related shortcuts) in the manual:
User manual is also available via Menu - Help - PDF Manual
Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team
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