Changing unit preference from meters to feet?

I have gone through the FastRawViewer manual several times, including searching with the term 'feet.'

Are users unable to change unit measure preference from meters to feet?

If this is possible, where is that accomplished?

Thank you.

Sorry, but what distances exactly do you mean? The program does not measure/display distances


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

FastRawViewer displays the elevation in meters, I'd like to view that in feet, if possible

Thank you for the clarification. We'll consider such an option.


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

I would add that this is a convenience to avoid confusion, as I am in the US, all my other software related to digital photography displays in feet.
Truth be told, I'd prefer meters all around.

"Thank you for the clarification. We'll consider such an option."
To be clear, does this answer mean that FastRawViewer currently only displays elevation in meters?

FastRawViewer displays value of the GPSAltitude tag (if present) without any unit conversion


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

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