Batch xmp files creation

Hi, is there a way to generate XMP files for all raw files within the same folder with the WB set to Auto?
I need to recover the <libraw:WBCoeffs> for another application
Would be great if this could be automated with a command line within FastRawViewer
Thank you

There is no such option in FastRawViewer.

Thanks! Generating xmp files in batch mode would be a great feature!
Is this possible to do with libraw with out too much hassle? If yes, I might try to dig into it
I'm not a dev, just a photographer with some intermediate coding skills. Thanks again!

Auto WB in FastRawViewer is a completely different beast.

Well, pretty awsome beast :-) Generating xmp files with a CLI would be great feature to add. Thank you for your help

Batch CLI is not a feature users a GUI-based culling tool request, sorry.

Do you have any suggestion? It's a shame that I need to generate those xmp files one by one.
I wish I could automate that task all at once, even through the GUI.

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