Undo REJECT action no longer working
Hi team,
When setting a photo to reject using X key shortcut, I can no longer Undo the action either by using Command-Z or navigating to File > Undo reject for 1 file.
This seems to be a new bug as I've never previously had an issue with it.
Running a fully up-to-date version of FRV on MacOS Mojave 10.14.
Currently having to manually move file from Rejects folder back to original destination which obviously isn't ideal!
Thanks, Kimberley.
Thu, 12/06/2018 - 23:37
UPDATE: Undo does appear to
UPDATE: Undo does appear to now be working but with about a minute delay. Also, the file does not reinsert into the filmstrip when in full screen view, I need to return to grid view for the file to return in filename order and then re-enter full screen with filmstrip at the bottom for the unrejected file to reappear. I used to be able to undo reject, back arrow key to view the unrejected file and then continue on but it is not reinserting into place.
Fri, 12/07/2018 - 06:34
What type of storage you use?
Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team
Fri, 12/07/2018 - 07:42
I cull (using FRV) off the
I cull (using FRV) off the computer's internal hard drive before transferring the selects to an external drive.
Fri, 12/07/2018 - 09:49
Please download and install
Please download and install this version: http://updates.fastrawviewer.com/data/beta/FastRawViewer-
This is custom build with extensive 'Undo file move' logging.
After installing, go to Menu - FastRawViewer - Preferences, open the 'Other' tab and change:
Debug Log messages: All
Save debug log to file: Yes, remove on quit
Close FRV and start it again Try to Reject (Move to _Rejected), than Undo reject 1-2 times.
Go to Menu - Help - Reveal debug log in Finder (Finder window will open with FRV debug log highlighted)
Send this Debug log file to support@fastrawviewer.com
Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team
Mon, 12/10/2018 - 23:31
Hi team. The undo reject
Hi team. The undo reject function seems to be working again but maybe because I have deleted all the JPG files? I usually shoot only in RAW but for this one shoot I shot RAW + JPG. In FRV I had the preferences set to handle RAW + JPG together so unsure if this is what might've been causing the lag?
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