Supported Cameras and RAW Formats

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FastRawViewer supports almost all* digital cameras and devices capable of recording RAW files, including dSLRs, mirrorless, compact, medium format cameras and digital backs, industrial cameras, mobile devices and scanners, digital cinema bodies and cameras, etc.

FastRawViewer - Support for Almost All Raw Formats

FastRawViewer also supports cameras modified to record RAW files (CHDK, DIAG) and cameras with custom firmware (Magic Lantern).

Abridged Lists of Supported Cameras

by Manufacturer and by RAW File Extension

Manufacturers / Categories

RAW File Extensions

For a detailed list please see the Full List of Supported Cameras.

If you can’t find the camera you are looking for in the list of supported cameras, please check for the latest Beta or Release candidate at FastRawViewer Version History.

We add support for new cameras rapidly (usually, within a couple of weeks) after RAW samples from those cameras become available.

We work hard to ensure timely support for fast viewing, culling, and analysis of RAW images recorded in emerging formats and format variants, such as Nikon small RAW (sRAW), Fujifilm compressed RAW, multi-shot RAW.

If you have RAW files from digital cameras or devices which FastRawViewer can't open properly, please, send us an email and provide us with sample files. We never share any image files sent to us.

* For Sigma Foveon cameras, raw viewing is not supported.