Monochrome2DNG version history

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Monochrome2DNG 1.6 Beta

This version includes the following improvements:

  1. LibRaw decoder library updated to support more cameras
  2. Implemented automatic mosaic correction method fallback for too dark or too light images:
Monochrome2DNG 1.6. Beta

Monochrome2DNG 1.3.0 Release

We're proud to announce Monochrome2DNG v1.3.

The changes are as follows:

  1. Support for non-JPEG embedded previews
  2. Diagnostic messages improved
  3. LibRaw library updated to support more cameras/formats.
  4. Qt updated for 5.12.9 (non-legacy builds only)
Monochrome2DNG 1.3. Release

Monochrome2DNG 1.2 Release

We're proud to announce Monochrome2DNG version 1.2:

  • We have moved to Qt 5.12 (aside from Mac/Legacy versions).
  • LibRaw has been updated.
  • Support for non-RGB previews embedded in input files.
  • Drag and drop support on Mac has been improved
  • Bug fixes and completions
Monochrome2DNG 1.2. Release Candidate

Monochrome2DNG version 1.1.3

Monochrome2DNG application is updated to version 1.1:

  • Added the ability to change tags indicating the camera vendor.
  • The settings dialog is divided into three separate parts (tabs).
  • The installation image for Mac is verified through Apple Notary service, this is necessary for compatibility with macOS 10.15
Monochrome2DNG 1.1

Monochrome2DNG Version 1.0

We are happy to announce that Monochrome2DNG, the the missing application for color cameras converted to "black and white", has been officially released!

The Introductory Price, which is 40% off, is valid until December 31, 2018.

Buy now!

Monochrome2DNG 1.0

Monochrome2DNG Beta 0.9.2

What's New in Monochrome2DNG Beta 0.9.2

  • This Beta adds crop options:
  • Crop mode
  • Some converters and stacking applications ignore standard soft crop tags, thus "Save cropped area only" option is added.
  • Crop margins
  • Helpful if some unusable areas are left in the corners or close to the edges of the sensor; CFA is only partially removed there, for example.

Monochrome2DNG, Beta 0.8: File Converter for «Monochrome-Converted» Cameras

Almost all digital cameras that are released today are color cameras. Nevertheless, there is demand for BW (Black and White) cameras because of reduced artifacts and higher resolution of resulting images. And many photographers want BW cameras with the same lens mount as their main (color) camera, so that they can use the lenses they already own.

Converting a color camera to BW is done by removing the CFA (Color Filter array). However, during such conversion, the firmware of the camera doesn’t change, and the camera doesn’t know that it’s become monochrome, which leads to several problems, which Monochrome2DNG - a file converter for «monochrome-converted» cameras - is going to address.

Monochrome2DNG Beta 0.8
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