FastRawViewer 1.3.9 Release
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FastRawViewer 1.3.9 provides support for ten new cameras, adds several minor features and bugfixes.
Update is available at downloads page.
Major changes and new settings
- New option for Start without filename setting: Flexible, last file or folder:
- the last file opened in the main window is located in the last-visited folder, this file will be opened.
- If not, the last-visited folder will be opened.
- Full support for all of the EXIF. Orientation tag options, more specifically support for for mirrored images has been added.
- New actions have been added to Menu-Adjust and to the context menu:
- Rotate 180 - default shortcut is Ctrl-8 (acts upon a single file)
- Flip horizontally/vertically - no default shortcut assigned.
- The algorithm that is responsible for determining the orientation of Fuji SuperCCD files (Sx Pro and point-and-shoot cameras) has been reworked to ensure that FRV's behavior now matches Adobe's (both for .RAFs and for .DNGs derived from them).
- The algorithm that was responsible for matching the orientation of the external JPEG and the RAW has been reworked; the cases when the orientation tag is absent (JFIF-JPEG) and is present (EXIF-JPEG) are processed separately.
- Image display speed optimization: the image tiles that will not be visible on the screen because of zoom will not be rendered. This helps the speed only when navigating through zoomed-in files or switching between a zoomed-in RAW and JPEG. In other cases, the textures are already loaded into the video card and the speed-up is negligible.
- The new option Camera Auto has been add to White Balance settings:
- to the white balance drop-down in the Bottom bar for the current shot (for those cameras where we can read it, currently, Canon, Kodak, Olympus, SONY) :
- to the "next file" white balance drop-downs in Preferences->White balance: White balance for the next file (same camera) & White balance for the next file (another camera): if RAW metadata contains Camera Auto WB that we can read, it will be applied to this shot, otherwise As Shot white balance will be applied.
Why would you use this setting? Suppose you, like us, are shooting with UniWB in your camera, but want to view your RAW files in "normal" color, and also effortlessly pass that "normal" color to Adobe Lightroom / ACR. This setting will attempt to extract the white balance as it was measured by your camera and apply it to RAW data.
In many cases, in-camera white balance measurements are more accurate than the Auto white balance in a converter. This is because the camera can measure the light in the scene while the converter is dealing with the captured scene.
Two other cases when we find this feature to be useful:
- a shot or a whole series were taken with a wrong white balance preset; for example, you were shooting with Flash white balance and forgot to switch it off while shooting without a flash later;
- you were shooting with some preset but want to see how the camera evaluated the scene in terms of white balance.
- The new hidden setting OEDetectionMethod allows one to change the algorithm for detecting overexposure. The values:
- 0 (OEDetectionDefault script) - invokes the default method, which searches for the rightmost hump on the histogram
- 1 (OEDetectionHistogram) - the algorithm looks for a one-bin wide peak in the histogram highlights (the bin width in FRV's histogram is 1/20 EV)
- 2 (OEDetectionManual) - a manual setting, the value is taken from the OEManualLimit parameter
- The new hidden setting CoolscanNEFGamma sets the Gamma value for processing Nikon Coolscan NEF files.
- The value is multiplied by 100, that is for Gamma 2.2 use 220; for Gamma 1.0 use 100. The default value is 220. There are no scripts to edit this, please set this value into the registry manually.
- "Re-read folder in" setting: the range of values has been extended to 0.0; and if 0.0 is set, re-reading is stopped.
- EXIF display:
- new pseudo-tag File Modify date will display file create/last modify date.
- Canon, Kodak, Olympus, and Sony cameras: camera WB presets are listed in FRV WB dropdown as Camera Auto(N)/Camera Custom(N)
- EXIF values to be displayed even for files whithout EXIF to display pseudo-tags in this case.
Camera support
- Canon G9 X Mark II
- Fujifilm X100f, X-T20, GFX 50s, X-A3
- Hasselblad H6D-100c
- Leica M10
- Nikon B700 (preliminary color data)
- Panasonic DM-FZ80/82, DC-GH5
- Pentax KP
Bug fixes and other improvements
- Selection files state is locked before any batch operation and unlocked after to avoid selection alteration by keyboard shortcuts.
- Fixed: overexposure calculation for Coolscan NEFs.
- Fixed: The current folder in the Folders panel will no longer ever leave the field of view when the Filmstrip is hidden in Grid mode and the user switches from Grid mode to Single File Mode.
- Fixed: the processing of Hasselblad X1D files with ISO 6400 and higher
- Fixed: Sort by EXIF timestamp uses tag 0x132 if no other date tags are present.
- Fixed exposure statistics calculation for some Linear DNGs
- Fixed exposure data reading from Adobe-created XMP files.
- Fixed bug in load/save Exposure Stats panel parameters
- When switching from file with EXIF data to file w/o EXIF, first line of pseudo-tags (e.g. Filename) was displayed incorrectly.