The program RawPreviewExtractor is intended to extract the JPEG previews contained in RAW files:

- All RAW formats that have embedded JPEG previews are supported.
- The RAW files remain intact and are in no way “stripped” of their embedded previews.
- The preview is extracted “as-is”: as recorded by camera in the RAW file (same size, no recompression,etc).
- It is possible to copy EXIF data from original RAW to the destination JPEG.
- Only JPEG previews are extracted; other formats (Bitmap, HEIC) are not supported.
- Some RAW files (Cinema-DNG, images taken with some mobile phones and some action cameras) lack embedded previews, and therefore nothing will be extracted from them.
Inspired by Thom Hogan: he gently hinted that the old solutions are slowly falling off, which means a new one is NECESSARY.
Version 0.4
We offer for attention the third public release (0.4), which implements the most frequent requests for version 0.2 and improves modern camera files handling by using newer LibRaw library version. We continue to gather your feedback and implement the most frequently appearing requests.
System requirements
- Windows: Windows 7...11, 64-bit, we assume a monitor that is no less than 1200x800
- Mac: macOS 10.12 – 15.x
Download Links
- macOS 10.12-15.x: RawPreviewExtractor-
- Windows 7-11/64 bit:RawPreviewExtractor-
- User Manual: RawPreviewExtractor-Manual-ENG.pdf
We would be very happy to hear from our users via:
- The section in our forum
- The feedback form
- E-mail: rpe-feedback@libraw.com
- 2024-12-15:Version 0.4.0, updated for new camera support.
- 2022-04-07: Version 0.3.2, updated for new camera support.
- 2021-12-15: Version 0.3, recording a full-fledged EXIF block, the ability to save files in a subfolder of the current folder.
- 2021-10-22: Version 0.2, Minimal EXIF block with Orientation tag created to handle portrait orientation
- 2021-10-21: Version 0.1, 1st public release
Alexander (not verified)
Thu, 10/21/2021 - 13:47
Thank you!
It just works. Excellent!
.CR3 and .RAF
Виктор (not verified)
Mon, 11/01/2021 - 01:32
Мгновенно все происходит.
Мгновенно все происходит. Очень Понравилось.
Bill Stanford (not verified)
Sat, 11/20/2021 - 09:21
RPE works nicely!!
I am so happy -- being able to extract JPEGs is such a time saver, and for sad reasons Instant JPEG from Raw wasn't going to work forever. Great work guys!
Oh, which camera, which RAWs? Nikon D810, 14bit lossless compressed....
And while I'm here, can I thank all of you for Fast Raw Viewer -- which just gets better & better!
Bill (w.stanford@protonmail.com)
Markus (not verified)
Sun, 12/19/2021 - 12:32
Tested with NEFs
It works flawlessly and replaces ERawP for me, because it saves the EXIF-Data.
mk (not verified)
Thu, 10/13/2022 - 11:49
commandline support?
The software is great! I really like using it - but I wonder if there is a commandline supprort, so I could incorporate it to my workflow - that would be really excellent.
Thu, 10/13/2022 - 13:35
One may use Exiftool and/or
One may use Exiftool and/or dcraw/dcraw_emu
Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team
Joaquín (not verified)
Sat, 12/17/2022 - 02:51
Muchas Gracias
Muchas gracias, funciona perfectamente.
SZ123 (not verified)
Sun, 01/15/2023 - 15:57
Pass multiple files to the app
Thank you for this neat little app - as a former PhotoMechanic user, I missed the feature of being able to quickly extract the JPEGs from a selection of RAW files. Is this something you'd consider intergrating directly with FastRawViewer?
I have tried setting it as an external app for FRV but it only seems to support a single file being passed to it (ie. if I select a bunch of files in FRV or Finder and try to open them with RPE, it only pre-selects the first of the files in the list. The only workaround I could find was clicking the "Select input file(s)" button and then dragging my list of files onto the File Selection Dialogue.
If this could support multiple files being passed in and/or have tighter integration with FRV, it would be great!
Mon, 01/30/2023 - 10:30
Is it macOS or Windows,
Is it macOS or Windows, please?
Carlos Viana (not verified)
Fri, 06/21/2024 - 07:05
Can't extract
It does not extract any jpeg from nef files
Fri, 07/05/2024 - 06:02
What camera do you use?
What camera do you use?
Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team
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